Lick of the Week
I've personally experienced how learning a single guitar lick can bust me out of a soloing rut, giving me fresh ideas and fresh insight as well. I hope the licks in this series help you do the same in your playing!
Make Progress
Every time I deeply learn a new lick, my playing takes at least one step forward. Yours will too.
Multiply Usefulness
Practice new licks in different keys, tempos, and styles. Locate them in different scale patterns too, and watch their usefulness multiply!
Massive Fun
Watching your playing improve, and creating better music than before is tremendously fun and fulfilling. Enjoy the process!
The Stash!
Below you'll find every Lick of the Week. Sure, you can binge-watch these if you really want. But please don't. As soon as you find one that sounds cool to you - one that you'd like to be able to pull out of your hat at anytime during a solo, then stop, grab your guitar, and start really, deeply, learning that thing.
How To Extract Maximum Benefit From A Lick
It's easy to learn a new lick and move on, and not let it have too much impact on your guitar playing. Unfortunately, loads of guitar players have fallen into the trap of learning intro lick after intro lick, and while they now know loads of intro licks, all that knowledge isn't accessible to them during a solo.
There's a process we can take when learning licks to ensure that we can get the maximum benefit from each and every one. Even a very, very simple little two note lick can go through this process and yield great benefit.
The best thing is, the process isn't hard, and done right, it should be a lot of fun.
How To Learn A Guitar Lick
For Maximum Usefulness
Yes, this WILL take you more than five minutes. It may take you an hour (or more!) to go through this whole thing with a particular lick, but I promise you, if you will follow through, then these licks will not only become super useful to you, you'll also remember them when you need to. You'll gain truly useful soloing vocabulary, and improve your fretboard knowledge at the same time.
In short, your overall guitar playing will be improving!