Flatted fifths are incredibly dissonant… And that’s exactly why we like them! There’s nothing quite like creating massive musical dissonance and then immediately resolving it – people just love that stuff.
However, if you camp out on the dissonance, your solo is going to go downhill FAST. So, as I mentioned in the video, although we’re starting on that flatted fifth, we’re moving on from there right away.
And I do mean right away.

As usual, feel free to muck about with this riff and really make it your own. Truth be told, although I use this basic idea quite often in my solos, I maybe only ever played it this exact way for the purpose of this video. Get used to changing your riffs on the fly! My Box 1 Blues Soloing course is a fantastic way to learn how to do that.
When you’re done with this lick, don’t forget to checkout the Lick of the Week Archive!
Like the licks before it, this one is cool. I really like the double stop pull off. The slide with my pinky takes some effort to get a good sound but its worth the effort.
Yeah, that one felt awkward to me too the first time I started working with it. Like you said though, it’s worth the effort.
Cool little riff thanks! Explained very well, easy to understand.