How To Install Guitar Strap Locks

Guitar Strap LocksGuitar strap locks are one of the coolest little guitar gadget style inventions I’ve ever come across.

Have you ever had a guitar strap slip off the hook, or have you seen this happen to someone else? Often times the guitar crashes painfully to the floor, and sometimes, never to get back up.

A close friend of mine destroyed a beautiful $1500 GNL when his strap slipped off by accident.

Not very cool.

So what’s the answer?

How To Install Guitar Strap Locks

Considering they only cost about $15 on Amazon, strap locks can literally save you hundreds or thousands of dollars and the grief of a destroyed guitar.

About the only downside that I can think of to using guitar strap locks is that you need to dedicate a particular strap to a particular guitar, if that can even be classified as a concern.

In this video I demonstrate how to install the Schaler strap locks on your guitar. It’s very easy, and boils down to these steps:

  1. Remove existing strap knobs.
  2. Screw Schaler guitar strap locks back into the same holes.
  3. Attach the other end to your strap.

That’s it!

Click Here To Get Schaler Strap Locks ($15-$20)

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  1. BTW, regarding loose screws…I had the same problem but couldn’t fit a larger screw through the hardware without drilling/tapping the metal. Someone at the guitar store recommended I try to fill the hole with bits of toothpicks and wood glue. This worked perfectly to tighten the fit.

  2. Hmm that’s a good tip Doug! I’ll have to give that a shot, as these screws could do with a bit of a snugger fit.

  3. Hey Jon,

    I have a fender acoustic guitar where the plastic strap peg on the bottom of the guitar seems to come loose (with the strap still attached to it)at inopportune times. Thank God I haven’t dropped it on the floor- yet. The peg is just pressed into the thin wall of the guitar body, so not much holding power. Do you have a good way of making the peg stay put??? Just use Elmer’s Glue?? I’d like to use strap locks here also but I am worried that the screw threads won’t hold in the thin wall of the body. I suppose I could remove the strings and get someone with small hands to reach thru the sound hole to install a washer and nut on the inside of the body??

  4. Jonathan!
    I have been enjoying your tips and website for some time now and I would like to support you to the extent that I can afford by either buying one of your CD lessons or giving you a monetary donation. My preference would be to purchase a CD but I dont know if you make any money on the CDs(yet). Can you comment?
    Mahalo from Hawaii, Jim

  5. When you say “About the only downside that I can think of to using guitar strap locks is that you need to dedicate a particular strap to a particular guitar…” does that mean you need to goet a special strap? Also, couldn’t you just get multiples of the same strap locks?

    1. Hi David,

      No special straps are needed… however the other side of the lock needs to be fastened to your strap, which means you can’t use that strap on another guitar. So as long as all your guitars and all your straps are using the same strap lock hardware, then they will be interchangeable.

  6. The best advice one can take to the bank. I have them on all of my guitars. Some words of wisdom. If you have several guitars,or have several straps for one guitar or 20 guitars use the same type of strap loc. I made the mistake of not researching this item and after buying 4 or 5 of the push in type of locks,I bought the one’s that you pull a spring loaded release out and slide the locking device into the guitar. I changed the push type over to the pull type,now any strap,and any guitar is easy and interchangeable. A no brainer. John

  7. There is something else I would like to share with all of you. Locking tuner. You break a string and now you have to stop and change it out. Instead of wrapping the string a couple of times in the tuner hole,just put the new string into the tuning device and with the thumb screw,put tension on the string and lock the thumb screw. Adjust the string in just minutes. Easy to tune and very little stretching of the strings from that time on. I don’t like to work for 5 or 10 minutes to get the guitars tuned up and adjust a few things. I can spend more time on playing instead of working on it. I have to be honest,I do enjoy working on guitars. There is a time for that,but not when your time is limited and you just want to play. John

  8. Bought the schlaeger lock on your recommendation.Did attach them but had difficulty. The nub that goes through the guitar strap is so short that the washer and nut will not seat on even a moderately thick strap. Had to use a spare ultra thin nylon strap instead of my beloved black leather strap. Why dont they make the post a half inch longer to correct this problem. I cant be the only one that noticed this. Lock is very secure though.

  9. Hey Jon,

    Thanks for the video,bro. I wish you were just a little bit earlier with it though,as I just put strap locks on my guitar a couple of weeks ago. I just wanted to comment on your strap. I think its cool. If I am not mistaken, Magic Slim uses one just like that. Cool stuff Jon…keep up the great job you’re doing. Love all your e-mails.

  10. Jonathan,  So I picked up another guitar a couple of months ago and in the case were these strap locks.  Then I noticed that several other of my guitars appear to have the guitar knob mount that works with these Schaler style locks.  I didn’t have the strap I wanted to keep on that guitar so I was looking around for which guitar to try this technology.  These are real hokey on single thickness inexpensive otherwise nice leather straps.  So I put it on the EVH double layer leather strap for one of my wolfie’s.  It works perfect!  So I’m sold.  So here are some questions.  You can get these Schaler style pretty cheap on e-bay that are made in China.  Does it matter?  Is there a difference in materials, quality, strength, or dependability of these cheaper Chinese imports?  I’d rather not throw down a couple hundred $$ to set up all my guitars if I don’t have too.  Next question, I really like the thick “FENDER 2″ CUSTOM LEATHER GUITAR” straps.  They are so comfortable and soft on my old shoulders.  But these straps are about triple thickness on the ends so the Schaler disconnect strap piece doesn’t extend or fit real well.  What’s with that?  Any tips?  Thanks pf

    1. Hey Paul. Don’t go for the Chinese ones; they’re not the same size as the German ones and they’re not interchangeable. Also, they’re not as durable. You can however use the US made Grover ones; they’re interchangeable with the German Schallers.

      In terms of the triple ply leather issue, you could try bringing the straps to a shoe maker or someone who deals with leather. Get them to compress the leather, and then you should be able to screw it on really tight so it never moves.

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