How To: Easy Campfire Blues

campfireToday I’ve been digging through all my camping stuff, as I’m planning on heading out of town for a couple days soon…

Unfortunately, there’s a fire ban in the area, but that’s not going to stop me from doing a little campfire blues all the same!

I picked up one of those propane firepits a while back – yeah I know – FAR from the real thing, but hey, at least you can still stare at a flame while you’re strumming, right?

On the upside, you never get smoke in your eyes with those things!

One of the things I like about jamming around the campfire is that it’s really low key.

I mean, no one ever cares if you make a mistake, because hey, its free entertainment, right?

Plus, most people I’ve camped with can’t play guitar worth a bean anyhow, so they end up loving the simplest things that you play…

Remember, its usually only us guitar players who critique ourselves on trying to play more complicated stuff.

The rest of the world just enjoys listening to good music – be it simple, or complicated.

Even blues riffs can be simple, and yet sound GREAT.

Most blues licks come straight out of the pentatonic minor scale – the simplest, best sounding scale we have – and yet they are the ones that really grab people’s attention.

In fact, Colin Daniel has packed 30 of those great sounding, easy to learn, pentatonic licks all into one place.

You can find them all here.

Every single one of these licks would sound great around a campfire… and I’m planning on putting them to good use shortly!

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