Today (June 9th, 2011) would have been Les Paul’s 96th birthday, and Google is honoring that with a cool gadget on the top of their search engine, that looks like this:
Google regularly creates these little doodles of their logo, but this is probably one of the cooler ones they’ve come up with. If you hover your mouse over the strings, each will play a different note.
For more information on Les and his influence on the electric guitar, checkout the post A Local Look At Les Paul.
You might also like to checkout my post on the 50 Most Bizarre Guitars!
Google has develop a brand of appreciation and constantly updates which I think makes them and amazing search engine. An Les Paul deserves a recognition such as this. He is an institution not just for guitarist but musicians as a whole. Sad but some of those I know who are currently taking electric guitar lessons doesn’t even know who he is.
I remember seeing that doodle, and I was impressed that Google remembered his birthday. I didn’t. I actually bought my first Les Paul guitar in August 2009, literally hours before news of his death broke.