There are lots of places on the internet where you can find free guitar lessons for beginners, but one of the best places to start is right here! has a ton of free guitar lessons for players of all levels.
The question is – where is the best place for a beginner guitar player to start learning the guitar?
Well, learning the tones and semitones is very important, because that explains how your fretboard works. That’s definitely a topic every beginner needs to cover, however if you’re just getting started, chances are you just want to learn a few chords and start playing something already!
So what are the most important chords for any guitar player to start with? I’d recommend just six chords: G, C, D, Em, Am and Bm as those are all the chords in the key of G, giving you access to hundreds of popular songs. Checkout the Beginner’s Guide to Open Chords to learn these and more, then have a look at the rest of the free guitar lessons for beginners that are listed below!
Don’t forget to signup for the free weekly guitar lessons by entering your name and email at the top right of this page!
Some Free Guitar Lessons For Beginners:
- A Beginner’s Guide to Open Chords
- A Beginner’s Guide to Power Chords
- Chords that work together with ‘C’
- How to use a guitar tuner
- Strumming tips for beginners
And don’t forget to learn some easy guitar songs while you’re at it! Here’s a great beginner’s lesson on Knocking on Heaven’s Door.
Next Post: Free Guitar Lessons Online
i want to learn to play well
Not a bad place t review and pick-up techniques.
I’d like to receive the beginner’s course not the intermediate. I completed the wrong box!
I want to learn how to play a guitar and become a good player
I would like beginners course please I ticked the wrong box
I would like to learn how to play the guitar cuz I want to play songs with it plase help me
Please email too me your Free Guitar lessons for beginners in PdF format .
Thank you so mutch .for this free lesson by email.
I have a normal 6 string guitar.. Not electric . I think they called it acoustic or classic guitar.
Then. Finally . these guitar tuner app for android phones, are they really work ,to turn in a guitar. I got one called Ultimate Tuner.
So I waiting or your lessons and info by email.
God Bless.
Werner Kemp
South African
I first tried to learn to play the guitar in 1975, using ‘Play Guitar’ coursework. This lasted about 6 months then my direction changed and I stopped learning.
I kept my guitar and now I am intending to learn how to play it.
As I enjoyed using this course I thought I would try it again.
Hi Alan, there’s no connection between this website (and my teaching), and any prior coursework. I’m unfamiliar with the Play Guitar stuff from 1975. I hope you find this site helpful all the same!
Sorry about that. I realised your photo was far too young for mid 70’s though.
Thanks Jonathan