The D Thing – Strumming & Picking Combined

Today’s lesson is really just focusing in on one particular type of rhythmic picking and strumming combination that I really enjoy doing.

Personally I like using this best on the acoustic guitar, and I use this picking & strumming technique a LOT. I love the rhythmic strumming sound mixed in with the distinct notes from the pick, and you can do an awful lot with this once you start messing with root notes and augmenting chords and things like that.

All in all, a handy one for any guitar player to have in their back pocket.

Click here for more picking lessons.

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  1. Hi Jonathon
    Excellent video that can really boost the confidence when I conqueror this one. I have been trying this line of playing for a while, and this clears things up somewhat as to where I was messing up. I have been doing a lot of hammer on’s now, and the pull offs are getting better also. The hammer on’s are like a second nature now.

    I love the Tak you are playing there.

    Once again, Thank you every so much for this and all your efforts in helping people progress with the guitar.


  2. Nice video would like to see more of that, been trying to figure this style out for awhile, doing well but can’t seem to figure in a little lick or 2 to go inbetween all that strumming, strum, strum, strum becomes a bore without a little spice inthe middle, would like more of the same, but a little more advanced.

    Thanks Much

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