I recently had an opportunity to have a closer look at the Jamorama guitar course, so here’s my official Jamorama Guitar Review.
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Jamorama Guitar Review
- Just a guitar. Seriously – Jamorama starts at the beginning.
Suited For
- Newbies. Either you’ve never touched a guitar before, or you know a handful of chords already but want to know more.
The Good
- Starts at the beginning. You can be a stone cold newbie, never touched a guitar or read a note of music before, and Jamorama will get you started.
- Exceptionally thorough in describing things. For example, chords are shown using sheet music, tab, pictures, diagrams AND videos. All methods are used, almost exhaustively, each time, so you basically have no excuse if you still don’t get it.
- Video examples include: strumming pattern, metronome, timing, separate shots of both hands, chord names AND an animated fretboard that changes fingerings along with you.
- Covers chords (all common types), strumming, reading music and tab.
- Software is pretty easy to use. Compatible with both Mac and PC.
- Good members site, with a very responsive support staff (my question was resolved within an hour by email).
- 56 Day satisfaction guarantee. Try it, if you don’t like it, you can easily get a refund within 8 weeks.
- Physical option is available for those who prefer hard copies and don’t like learning on the computer.
Checkout Jamorama
The Bad
- Doesn’t really deal with the theory aspect of the guitar (remember – this is my opinionated review, and in my opinion theory is an important part of learning any instrument). Jamorama will tell you how and what to play, but doesn’t really get into the why.
Overall I’d have to say that Jamorama is a fairly strong guitar course for beginners. If you’ve never taken any previous lessons, then this would be a good place to start. Jamorama will introduce you to the guitar, to music, and to the chords and strumming patterns you’ll need before going to the next level.
In this Jamorama guitar review, as in any review – it is extremely important for me to stress that Jamorama will not make you a rockstar. It doesn’t deal with scales or any form of soloing; however I don’t think that was ever the intention with this product either. They’ve identified the goal as teaching a solid base of chords, reading music and tab, and working with the chords. If you want to go further with the guitar, you’ll likely need to pickup something else after Jamorama; however keep in mind that even with traditional lessons (with a guitar teacher), you need to keep on coming back to learn new things as you get better, and occasionally even switch to a more advanced teacher. The fact that this deals only with the basics does not make it less of a course; because it deals with the basics very well.
Checkout Jamorama
So that’s it for my Jamorama guitar review, if you’ve got comments or questions, please leave them below.
would be interested in a hawaiian lap steel guitar course
hey i was wondering where i could learn the theory part of the guitar
Hi Anthony, http://www.OneFourFive.com is an excellent place to start for guitar theory… (if I do say so myself 🙂 )
Just beginning the guitar. The Jamorama stuff looks good, but I ran into severe problems with the download and setup. I hope the guitar instruction is much better than their download instructions!
Got a good reply from their tech guy, complete with a helpful video about setup. It’s all working now!
Jonathan, Watching this Jamorama review is so refreshingly real, you are the expert guy we like & trust.
Thanks again man.