This guitar lesson is a pretty basic one (sliding between notes), but hopefully it still contains some useful tips for you.
I wanted to talk briefly about ‘sliding between notes’ on your guitar… I’m NOT talking about using a ‘slide’ on your guitar, in the sense of putting a metal or glass tube around your finger… that would be a very cool topic for a different day.
However, today we’re going to look at how you can go about sliding between notes, perhaps as a way to get into a riff, or to get out of a solo, or for whatever your brain can concoct as being a cool idea.
So without further ado, let’s jump right into it.
Video Problems? Watch Sliding Between Notes Youtube
For More Riffs Like This One, Click Here
If you liked the style and difficulty level of this guitar riff, you might like to check out my short course that contains a bunch more guitar riffs in G major.
Do you have any cool guitar scales or song s that are like not so difficult
Thank you Johnathan, I enjoy your weekly tips. My playing has improved alot. Many thanks Joanne Australia
Great Lesson. In which I would now like to take this opportunity to ask if you can put together some Pentatonic riff patterns that we may practice until we can create our own. I have been searching yours and Colin’s site often and have yet to find any. You guys are great and have taught us all a whole lot, but some of us (Or at least one of us) really need the tabs and step by step patterns.
Thanks for considering.
P.s I am also wondering if you have any tutorials on the ‘Dorian’ scale?
Concerning the ‘Dorian’ scale can you share your insight of this scale and what it means etc. . . . . ? Thanks!
Hi Randy, actually, I’ve got quite a few pentatonic licks on the site here, though they are not all labeled as such. You can start here:
Colin also has quite a few guitar riffs posted.
Re the ‘Dorian’ scale, no, I don’t have a lesson on it specifically, because personally I never use it. However, you can relate to it as the major scale starting from the 2nd scale degree… for instance, in the A major scale, you’d start playing on the B instead of the A. You can use the same pattern as the A major scale, or you can use a different pattern – many players use different patterns for every single mode; however I find that overkill and just stick to three separate scale patterns that give full access to the fretboard, as I teach in my Guitar Scale Patterns course.
Great! Thanks for the links.
And I guess that explains why every time I try to figure out the Dorian scale it is always interpreted differently. I do have your scale course naming all the Latin terms for reach number in the scale. So I see your point: G would start on the A (#2 Dorian) etc.
Thanks for the insight and all the lessons!
Keep the Stevie Ray V coming, I love that Riff in ‘G’ you taught!
Exactly, sounds like you’ve got it.
More SRV eh? I’ll see what I can do… 🙂
Any update on our Logo shirts, Hats, Guitars, etc.???
Yeah, just working on the mechanics of getting various things to talk to each other behind the scenes. It’s coming!
Can not think of anything to say. sliding is fun and it is amazing what it can do for a lick and particulary add in bends hammer ons and pull offs, then it becomes even mor fun to do.