The E Minor Chords You’ve Never Seen: Two Sweet Open Chord Voicings

Today, I'm going to show you two sweet versions of the E minor chord on your guitar that you've likely never seen. Forget the traditional open E minor that you learned on Day 1 of your guitar journey... we're going to make things way more interesting!

Our first version starts at the seventh fret, using all six strings. You'll play an open E, then put your third finger on the seventh fret, fifth string for another E. Your first finger goes on the fourth string, fifth fret, for a G. You'll also play an open G on the third string. The second string stays open for a B, and you round it off with another B on the seventh fret of the first string. You get a great spread of sound with this version, perfect to pair with an open C shape.

For our second version, we're starting with a different hand position. Your first finger is again on the seventh fret, but this time you're playing E on the sixth and fifth strings. We'll mute the fourth string to avoid a D note, which doesn't belong in the E minor chord. You do this by rolling down your first finger a bit to mute the string. Then, you'll play an open G on the third string, followed by another G on the eighth fret, second string. The first string plays a B on the seventh fret.

These are straight-up E minor chords—just EGB notes—but with a different placement for a fresh sound. You can use these versions anytime you come across an E minor on a chord chart. Go ahead and experiment with these, see how they can enhance your play. Let me know what you think about these Em chord voicings in the comments below!

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