Triads on the Top Strings: D Shapes

Today, we're diving into D-shaped triads on the first, second, and third strings. Building on my previous video about triads related to root 6 bar chords, we'll focus on moving these D-shaped chords around the fretboard, sticking to the key of D.

We'll start with the familiar D major chord, and the most important thing to recognize is that although you're probably aware of the root note on the open 4th string, there's another D in that chord as well, which is the one we're actually referring to as the root note in this situation. It's on the 2nd string, 3rd fret, and the reason we need to use it is we're only using the top three strings here. 

Our root note, now on the second string's third fret, turns this D shape into an inversion, which simply means that the root note isn't in the normal "lowest note" position.

Using the 2nd string as our root note locator, we can easily move this major shape up to the G and A positions, at the 8th and 10th frets. 

Now we can do the same thing with the D minor shape - again, recognizing that the root note is on the same 2nd string. Up two frets from D minor we find E minor, and another two frets we find F# minor. At the 12th fret is B minor. 

Add in C# diminished, and we've got the full key covered. 

There are so many different ways to use these triads - for more ideas I recommend checking out my Secrets of Tasty Riffs & Solos course. 

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