Learn a Blues Shuffle

This blues shuffle is fun to play and sounds great at the same time.

Plus, it gives you tons of room to noodle over.

Bored playing it clean? Hit the talent button and crunch out a bit!

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Video Problems? Watch the Blues Shuffle on YouTube

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  1. Ya bra, that’s what I was talking about. I don’t know if that was in the line up or you listened to my e-mail. That’s good, now put in a easy start, turnaround, some bends and a way out for a stop. Can you put in a few good easy chords in the mix, you got it going on, Thanks Alex

  2. I think i wish i would have heard about you years ago! You are the bomb. Merry christmas. the best teacher. do you know about 2 and a half 3 and a half for beginers?

  3. Jonathan
    any chance you could do a lesson on the various kinds of looping devices out there and how to use them
    for practicing. ie perfect for the shuffle then adding some pentatonic licks on top of the shuffle. I wish i knew more about these things. In the sweetwater catalog they have all of these cool digital recorders and looping machines, but what do i really need for just being at home and practicing.

    1. I use the JamMan looper it has the ability to overdub also. I use it a lot for practicing lead riffs, just lay down a rhythm track, easy to start and stop and delete stuff. I highly recommend it for performers and novices alike.

  4. I’m a fast learner. I’ve been playing a lot of songs using the Pentatonic scale & didn’t know it. I wish I could watch your videos
    but I can’t. I have dial-up & it will take 3 or 4 hours to download
    a 5 minute video. I don’t have that much time to spare because I’m taking care of 2 parents with Alzeimers. The only way I can order your videos is by money order, so I’ll have to have the address to get them. You’re a good teacher so keep up the good work. I believe if you’re blessed with a gift, you should share it. I have taught people in the past & currently I’m teaching my cousin. Thanks for the tips.——Roy

  5. @ Kevin – That’s a good idea; although it would be tricky as it would be hard to get my hands on a good selection of the hardware. The easiest way I can think of is to use your computer (especially if you have a Mac!). There are a few good ways to do this on the computer, and I’ll make a note and possibly do a lesson soon explaining that.

    @ Roy Lee – I’ll contact you directly on this.


  6. Hi Jonathan,
    Very good info for a beginning guitarist, these riffs and variations of them are used in a lot of songs, especially ” Honky Tonk” by the Ventures.

  7. Hello Jonathan,
    Nice job on the blues shuffle. Love your Guitar Tips. The video is sweet. It’s showing at 720p HD. Man it’s crystal clear !!!! Your stuff is simple and to the point. Wish I knew about You before. However this is now so,



  8. This is great Jonathon. Some stuff is a little over my head as a beginner but I am getting it together quickly. Love this last one. Question for you; The minor pentatonic is 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3, What’s the major pentatonic fingering?
    Here I am down in little ole NZ, with you as my guitar teacher, thanks man.

  9. Don’t get me wrong that’s all cool and everything for the beginers, but I’d like to see something more advanced. Keep on jamming everyone

  10. First I want to thank you for the tips. I love them and can’t afford lessons. Do you have any tips for small hands? I can’t do bar chords at all. just tryed the blues shuffle and can’t even reach the two frets to do it. thanks again…. Gotta love those blues…. Bea

  11. Audio AND Visual would assist many.

    TAB these lessons would be most beneficial.
    There are 6 F# on the First 12 Frets: only ONE D-3.

    TAB would reduce the amount of explanation and aid
    comprehension; ie: if we miss b string or d string
    we would have the visual to refer to.

    Thanks for your efforts and sharing.

  12. that close up was good. I needed it. But, I haven’t memorized all the notes on the fretboard yet, so…
    Loved the crunch. I’ll try this.

  13. Its Great, But unlike other “lessons” it ‘s all done rather quickly!. A step by step approach with Fret hand detail would help us new guys…I do gave the I-IV-V course ,so sooner or later I’m going to get there!


  14. love the double stops, got them down, however, i did need to see some ideas on overdubbing, so that was (to me) a nice little peice there.
    moving and doctoring has kept me at bay, hope to see you all around more soon

  15. (My danged pinkie curves back in a smidge toward my ring finger—hard to get a two-fret stretch out of it). More to the point, this basic shuffle is the only blues rhythm part I know and I always play it in E. I play with a monster lead guy, but can’t ever get him to concentrate enough to show me more rhythm licks to back him up with. Maybe you would?

    1. Hey Dennis – are you on my email list? If so, there are plenty more lessons coming up and yes, we’ll get into some rhythm licks at some point too.

  16. Hi Jonathan.
    Finally got a little faster internet, so I was finally able to see one of your videos for the first time in 3 years. The only suggestion I might ask, are there any mini-lapel cameras (like the ones you can put on the end of a guitar head) that can show you playing the strings like we would see them? You know, as if we were seeing them from our guitar playing point of view? It’s sometimes hard to see which finger you’re laying down by looking at it from a spectator’s viewpoint, rather than from a player’s view. You know what I mean. Anyway, I just thought that might make things a little easier to see what you’re playing, if a camera showed it from your angle. Other than that, thanks for unselfishly sharing your knowledge. Sincerely, Joe Morris

  17. I think I will have some fun with this. I have mostly used my thumb for strumming this type of progression but i will give the flat pick a try.

  18. It sure would be a lot easier to follow you if you included a tab with the video. Not all of your instructors are the clearest in the instruction or they will gloss over a part that they don’t explain well enough. Like on the shuffle, when it went to the highest note he spent five seconds on it, no close up or tab. He also used note names when it would have been easier to understand him if he had just said fifth fret D string. I repeated the video several times, and I still didn’t get what he was saying to do.

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