In my travels, I’ve done a number of guitar course reviews, and I’ve posted those here for you. When you’re searching for the right guitar lesson to take you to the next level, I find it is helpful to have a second opinion on the course, where available, to get an idea if that specific course is going to take you where you want to go.
Some of the guitar course reviews you’ll find here are my own courses; those aren’t so much reviews in the evaluation sense of the term, as they are overviews to give you an idea of what’s inside and what it can do for you.
Some of the guitar course reviews are lessons that other people have created. If a course is listed here it is only because I’ve actually taken a look at it with my own eyes; I will never post a review of a course I’ve not actually had a proper look at (how could I be of much use to you if I just wrote about what it says on the sticker?).
In addition, any guitar lessons I recommend to you fall under my personal guarantee, which is something I created to give you a bit more trust and confidence in buying courses from other teachers.